Get Fit Get Healthy

Information about exercise, food, and healthy living

Friday, September 10, 2010


These muscles are positioned slightly to the sides of our waists and link all the way up to the rib cage.   There are 4 oblique muscles (2 each side) consisting of internal obliques and external obliques.  These muscles assist your body with movements involving twisting and tilting at the waist. 

Try the Bicycle exercise:  explanation and photos below.

  The bicycle - lie on your back.  Bend and lift your knees so you have a 90 degree angle at your hips and knees.   Place your hands behind your head with elbows out to the sides.  Contract your abs.  Bring your right knee in toward your chest while straightening your left leg. Simultaneously lift  your shoulders off the floor and twist your upper body to bring your left shoulder toward your right knee.  Keep your shoulders off the floor and switch your leg and turn your upper body to the other side.  Exhale each time you change sides. Cycle your legs and upper body in a controlled movement.  Using momentum to go back and forth will not produce good results.  Do not allow your hips to rock back and forth as this motion will prevent your abs from working to stabilize you.  Photo below.

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