Get Fit Get Healthy

Information about exercise, food, and healthy living

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Your gluteus maximus play a major role in moving your legs during running, walking, jumping, squatting, etc.  It is responsible for hip extension, lifting your leg behind you and rotating your thigh bone outward.

Your gluteus medius and minimus are smaller than the maximus.  Their main job is to move your leg out to the side and leg rotation.

There are many exercises to work your gluteus muscles - squats,  lunges, back leg lift, bent leg dead lift, chair bridge.

Chair bridge -  Lie on your back with your lower legs on a chair.  Contract your abdominal muscles and lift your bum off the floor by tightening  your gluteus muscles.   Hold for 5 seconds then lower to start position. Do 15 - 20 reps 3 times a week.
Photo below.

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